When you have employees in different parts of the world, the timezone they are on and the public holidays they are entitled to may be different to that of other employees.
Please allow an option to set the location of each employee. The timezone for that employee should then be inherited from that location.
In addition, please assign the official public holidays for that location to those employees.
Further, if the employee requests vacation time that includes an official public holiday, do not count that holiday as part of their allocated vacation time.
  • An Employee in New Zealand requests from December 21-31 as vacation.
  • Weekends should be excluded automatically.
  • December 25 and 26 are public holidays and should also be excluded.
  • New Zealand (and some other countries) has "Monday-ization". This means that if a public holiday occurs on weekend day, the public holiday will be applied to the next weekday.
  • If Christmas Day (December 25) falls on a Saturday, then the following Monday will be a public holiday. In this case, the day after Christmas Day (December 26) falls on Sunday, and the public holiday will be observed on the following Tuesday, and both Monday and Tuesday should be excluded from the calculation of vacation days being used.